The World of the Ice Giants Werfen


35,24 km from Salzburg Residence Palace

Experience the mountains from a different angle and enjoy the wonders of the world’s largest ice caves. Here you will find crystal-clear ice palaces that invite you into a wintry world, even on the warmest summer day. The entrance to the ice caves is quite large, nearly 20 meters wide and 18 meters high, and is visible from quite a distance.

The entire cave system is over 42 kilometers in length, whereas the first segment (about 1 kilometer) contains the Ice Giants, and is a part of the guided tour. The temperature in the interior of the caves during the summer months averages 0° Celsius.

tägl. vom 1. Mai bis 26. Oktober
Erwachsene: € 22,00
Kinder: € 12,00

Eisriesenwelt Werfen
Eishöhlenstrasse 30
5450 Werfen

T.: +43 662 8426 9014
ArticleID: 542