The Linzergasse is next to the Getreidegasse and Steingasse the most famous alley of Salzburg. It is located in the new town and today runs from the Staatsbrücke or the small Platzl to Franz-Josef-Straße. In prince-archbishop"s time it formed the most important main artery to Linz and Austria, from which the name of the alley results. Formerly called the subsequent Schallmooser main street in continuation of the Linzer lane "Linzer Reichsstraße" or "Road to Austria".
The high importance as a traffic route is clear, because in the Linzer Reichsstraße in Nieder-Gnigl the also very important old iron road (now Grazer federal highway) opens into Styria. Over 140 shops and historic buildings make Linzergasse a popular tourist destination in Salzburg.
Every year, the "Linzergassenfest" takes place here on the last weekend in June.