Salzburg Museum / Neue Residenz


0,07 km from Salzburg Residence Palace

First Floor

The people who have constantly shaped life in the city and region of Salzburg have not always been the rulers. The exhibition on the first floor shows the lives, works and spheres of influence of interesting Salzburg women and men from the arts, architecture, science, literature, music, photopraphy, handicrafts, trades and the working world.

Second Floor
The Salzburg Myth

The permantent exhibition on the second floor of the Neue Residenz with its resplendent ceremonial rooms highlights the development of Salzburg in history, art and culture since early modern times. The content spans an historical range that includes the absolutist, sovereign prince archbishops, the painters of the Romantic age with their fscinating pictures and panoramas of the Salzburg landscape, and contemporary themes.


The first special exhibition in the Kunsthalle-an area of 500 square meters-is devoted to Hans Makart (1840-1884). His monumental painting "Spring" takes pride of place in this comprehensive retrospective, which includes more than fifty mostly large-format paintings.
Dienstag bis Sonntag: 9:00-17:00 Uhr
Geschlossen: 1.11., 25.12.
Jeden Do um 18 kostenlose Führung durch einen Ausstellungungsbereich
(letzter Einlass 30 Min. zuvor)
Erwachsene: € 8,50
Kinder: € 3,00
SalzburgCARD: kostenlos
Mozartplatz 1
5020 Salzburg
T.: +43 662 620808700
ArticleID: 485